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1. IT BECOMES ADDICTIVE. Overstimulation of the brain system that releases the pleasure neurotransmitter dopamine (which internet porn spurs in massive amounts) results in the buildup of the molecular switch protein called deltaFosB, an ingredient common in most addictions.

3. IT NUMBS YOU TO OTHER PLEASURES OF LIFE AND REAL SEX IN MARRIAGE (CALLED DESENSITIZATION). You develop a tolerance and need for greater and greater stimulation because real sex has become dull.
4. SENSITIZATION. Because your reward system has been hammered, you have an amped up attraction to porn that can tempt you to view it through even simple cues like seeing your computer monitor. Your brain goes into autopilot and your reward circuit says, “Do it now!”
5. IT DIMINISHES IMPULSE CONTROL AND WILLPOWER. The fight between clear thinking and temptation is heightened and you have less willpower to say, “No!”
6. IT INCREASES SENSITIVITY TO STRESS. Even minor stresses can lead to cravings and relapse because they activate powerful sensitized pathways.
7. IT LITERALLY SHRINKS YOUR BRAIN. Studies actually show that even moderate amounts of porn can shrink grey matter in areas associated with cognitive function related to our ability to focus. Porn users report pervasive brain fog.
8. IT CAUSES DEPRESSION AND LOW ENERGY because it interferes with normal dopamine production and signaling.
9. YOU BECOME MORE SUSCEPTIBLE TO RISKY BEHAVIOR. Since porn addicts need a bigger and bigger hit they gravitate to more degrading kinds of porn and risky behavior to get that hit with diminished fears of experiencing negative consequences (i.e., getting caught).
10. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. Porn users become less sensitive to real sex with their spouses and need more and more stimulation to get aroused. Ex-porn addicts report that porn created significant sexual problems, specifically ED.
That is the terrible information.
The uplifting news, in any case, is that in light of the fact that the mind is plastic, pornography clients can break liberated from pornography and change their cerebrums back to a solid perspective on sex and sexuality. With Christ's power, men (and ladies) can track down independence from the overwhelming impacts of pornography.
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